
Happy Thanksgiving! Glad You Are Here To Be With Me to Make This Happen!

Quiet Time for Thankfulness!

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday to take a few minutes to stop, take a few breaths and really think about small blessings.

This been a truly unique year with the covid-19 virus.  It has devasted the country, changed lives, challenged how we think, and now how students learn.

But throughout this year, there has been small blessings.  People have had to stop and slow down.  Families have had to learn to listen to each other, play games, take walks if they could.  Just be together.

I have had to learn how to make digital resources.  I am still learning.   What a battle that has been.  Truly a learning curve!  What a change for a 72 year old grandmother. 

That is what life is all about!  New experiences.  So, on that note we are at the end of November!  I am glad that with Operation Warp Speed, a vaccine is on the horizon.  It looks like we will be able to defeat this virus soon.  Get back to being together.  Then, back to educating our students.

Blessings to all of you!

To all of my followers I am having a Giveaway of 13 TpT giftcards this weekend.   Thanks for entering, but that is now over!
The next one is still continuing.

Finally, I am participating in a second
 Christmas giveaway. 

Hope you win!
