
Memorial Day Sale

Memorial Day Sale

Take advantage of this sale for the next two days and get some great $1.00 deals!

I hope you all are well and are ready for the reopening of America!  
With summer I feel that the warmer temperatures and being able to be outside will help everyone.  
My thoughts have been with all of you as you have had to deal with so many changes this past semester.  
Challenges still persist, as guidelines are coming out that seem totally absurd to put into practice!  

As one of my friends said, I guess we will build two and three story decks in each room (like a parking garage) to be able to have desks six feet apart. I hope some sanity will prevail soon at the CDC on that one!

It ranks with the time I was teaching first grade in the mid 1990's and I had 30 students.  My room was written up by the fire marshal.  
I had too many desks. 
It was a fire hazard!   
Figure That One Out!

Have a Happy Memorial Holiday!

Remember the Many Who Gave Us Our Freedom!


Remember That Teachers Educated Them Before They Served!
