
Veteran's Day/Rememberance Day

Veteran's Day: Rememberance Day

          November 11, is a very important day for all of us, and to me.  It is a day to remember all of the veterans and soldiers that have allowed us to live peacefully in the United States.  However, it is a  holiday that is hard for our little students to understand.
     One activity I loved doing with them, was to make a booklet of soldiers in uniform from the various wars and conflicts that were fought by Americans.  Watching their amazement of  seeing a Revolutionary War veteran thru to a picture of our veterans and soldiers today felt like a teachable moment.  In this small way, they were exposed to the expanse of the years our veterans fought to protect us.

    When possible we would have a visitor to the class who was serving our country now.  This soldier would tell them what it was like to be a soldier today.
       In my younger days, I was able to have veterans talk to our class from World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, to present day.

    We also would spend time learning about our flag: red stripes for blood, white stripes for valor, and our fifty stars in a field of blue.

  We would say the Pledge of Allegiance and learn what the words mean, in language a little child could understand.
    A good resource video is: Red Skelton saying the Pledge of Allegiance and explaining the words. It really hits home.

   Today we have a large variety of immigrants, religions, and people in our classrooms.  However, without our veterans, we would not be able to still have our FREEDOM
Rememberance Day Poppy
Poppy credited to Sarah Pecorino